NotReadableException {#10813
  #message: "Unable to init from given binary data."
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 115
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) {     throw new NotReadableException(        "Unable to init from given binary data."
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64():    return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r    try {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    }\r    $image = getPostThumbnailUrl($obj->ID, 1200, 628);\r} else {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {} elseif ( $the_['accepted_args'] >= $num_args ) {\t$value = call_user_func_array( $the_['function'], $args );} else {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {$this->doing_action = true;$this->apply_filters( '', $args );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {
      › $wp_filter[ $tag ]->do_action( $arg );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {\t */\tdo_action( 'wp_head' );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {\t<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">\r    <?php wp_head() ?>\r</head>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $require_once ) {\trequire_once $_template_file;} else {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $load && '' !== $located ) {\tload_template( $located, $require_once, $args );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {
      › if ( ! locate_template( $templates, true, true, $args ) ) {\treturn false;
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {\tthe_post();\r\tget_header(); \r?>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11025
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    }\r    $image = getPostThumbnailUrl($obj->ID, 1200, 628);\r} else {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {} elseif ( $the_['accepted_args'] >= $num_args ) {\t$value = call_user_func_array( $the_['function'], $args );} else {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {$this->doing_action = true;$this->apply_filters( '', $args );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {
      › $wp_filter[ $tag ]->do_action( $arg );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {\t */\tdo_action( 'wp_head' );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {\t<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">\r    <?php wp_head() ?>\r</head>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $require_once ) {\trequire_once $_template_file;} else {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $load && '' !== $located ) {\tload_template( $located, $require_once, $args );}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {
      › if ( ! locate_template( $templates, true, true, $args ) ) {\treturn false;
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {\tthe_post();\r\tget_header(); \r?>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {

Một số trường phái trong thiết kế phong thủy

Phong thủy địa khí: đo khí đất, đo năng lượng của đất, từ đó sẽ biết mảnh đất đó là mảnh đất phát về kinh doanh, về quan trường, hay là mảnh đất bình thường, đất gây bệnh… Từ đó, bạn có phương pháp hóa giải nếu không may gặp đất xấu.

Phong thủy bát trạch: dựa trên cung mệnh của mệnh chủ và hướng đất để tính toán xem hướng nhà có hợp không, không hợp thì hóa giải như thế nào, tính toán các hướng: giường ngủ, hướng bếp, hướng bàn thờ, hướng bàn học, bàn làm việc, hướng cửa, hướng cổng sao cho được các khí tốt.

Phong thủy loan đầu: khảo sát, phân tích các con đường, ngôi nhà, dòng sông, ao hồ, ngọn núi, cao ốc chung quanh mảnh đất để xem tác hại hay tác dụng tốt đến ngôi nhà, từ đó đưa ra phương pháp hóa giải.

Huyền không phi tinh: dựa vào năm xây dựng và nhập trạch, dựa vào số độ la bàn của sơn – hướng ngôi nhà để xác định các thế trận sao (khí của các vì sao trong chòm sao bắc đẩu) ảnh hưởng như thế nào, từ đó các phương án mở cửa chính, cửa phụ, làm non bộ, làm tiểu cảnh nước, làm cửa cổng.

An thần sát: đây là trường phái tính toán phải đạt đến độ tuyệt đối và khi đó sắp xếp phân phòng, mở cửa cổng, cửa chính để đạt được sự ứng nghiệm. Đây có thể coi là nghệ thuật và cũng là đỉnh cao trong phong thủy.

Các trường phái trên không thể tách rời trong thiết kế phong thủy cũng như xem phong thủy cho cơ quan, doanh nghiệp, ngôi nhà. Chúng phải được kết hợp một cách hài hòa và có chung các yếu tố tốt.

Chia sẻ:

Những bài viết khác

NotReadableException {#10745 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#10805
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#10804 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11059
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11058 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11056
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#10806 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11052
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11061 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11040
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11062 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#10931
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11063 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11056
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#10944 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11065
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#10943 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11027
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11056 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11024
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11067 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#10745
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {
NotReadableException {#11068 #message: "Unable to init from given binary data." #code: 0 #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/" #line: 115 trace: { /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ($resource === false) { throw new NotReadableException( "Unable to init from given binary data." } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {case $this->isBase64(): return $this->initFromBinary(base64_decode($this->data));} /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->decoder->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return $this->createDriver()->init($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{ return self::getManager()->make($data);} } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r $defaultImage = getImageUrlById(getOption('hinh_anh_mac_dinh'), $width, $height);\r try {\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: { "/home/vietnhat/domains/" } } } }
NotReadableException {#11062
  #message: "Image source not readable"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/vietnhat/domains/"
  #line: 346
  trace: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    default:        throw new NotReadableException("Image source not readable");}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->decoder->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return $this->createDriver()->init($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{    return self::getManager()->make($data);}
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {}\r$image = Image::make($srcPath);\r$image->fit($maxWidth, $maxHeight, static function ($constraint) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if (!file_exists($filepath)) {\r    resizeImage($attachment_realpath, $filepath, $width, $height, $extension);\r    // Bổ sung vào metadata để sau này khi user xóa ảnh thì xóa luôn cả ảnh resize\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {    \r    return getImageUrlById($imageId, $width, $height);\r} catch (\Exception $ex) {\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {{\r    echo getPostThumbnailUrl(get_the_ID(), $width, $height);\r}\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {<a class="blog-item__more" href="<?=the_permalink()?>">\r\t<img class="" src="<?=thePostThumbnailUrl(400, 250)?>">\r</a>\r
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {if ( $template ) {\tinclude $template;} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
      arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {// Load the theme template.require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';arguments: {
    /home/vietnhat/domains/ {/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';arguments: {


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